5D BIM: Today’s Workflow for Cost Certainty (Video)

watch video here: https://youtu.be/pfzQIV1KbkM

BuildingSMART brought their BIM4Construction: 4D + 5D Workshops to Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide in October and David Mitchell presented in all 4 locations on ‘5D BIM: Today’s Workflow for Cost Certainty‘.

David’s presentation, focused on what a 5D QS does and how these modern skills fit into the æBIM’ picture by:

  • Providing context around cost certainty v uncertainty
  • Explaining what 5D is: how it is far more than Quantity Take-Off and demonstrate the specialist skills that a 5D QS must have
  • Explaining how a 5D methodology can be included within design workflows (the effect on existing workflows) and BIM execution plans

In attendance at the Brisbane BIM4Construction event was Cadet 5D Quantity Surveyor Toby McDonald who offered up his views on the evening’s presentations and panel discussion. Check it out here.